Organic Egg
As organic, eggs must come from chickens that are fed only organic feed. No genetically modified foods can be used. Additionally, organic eggs must come from chickens that are given antibiotics only in the event of an infection, commercial chickens, on the other hand, are given antibiotics on a routine basis. No hormones or other drugs can be used in organic egg production. Molting, when chicken shed their older feathers to make room for new ones, is sometimes induced in commercial egg and chicken production by withholding food, water, or by other means. Molting extends the productive life of laying chickens, but it cannot be induced in chickens laying organic eggs; only natural molting is allowed to occur. Organic eggs must come from chickens that live in cage-free environments and have access to the outdoors, even if their outdoor area is just a small pen or enclosed yard area.
The fresh eggs are produced in several farms across UAE, we ensure that we collect the best in quality to supply it to our clients with a target of quick and fresh distribution. The pack comes in five different sizes 4, 6, 10, 15 & 30. Organic Egg: the hen that produce the free range eggs can roam freely in the farm, those hens are locally produced so that it fits with nature. It is considered as the most sustainable way to produced high quality eggs.
Organic Egg
Organic egg production is the production of eggs through organic means. In this process, the poultry are fed organic feed. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, organic means that the laying hens must have access to the outdoors and cannot be raised in cages. Under Soil Association standards, organically reared hens offer the highest potential standards of animal welfare. Organic eggs must be laid by completely free-range hens and must be able to behave naturally. Organically grown chickens also cannot be given hormones, (which make them grow more quickly) and cannot routinely be given antibiotics.
Free Range Egg
free-range eggs must come from hens that can move about freely both vertically and horizontally in indoor houses. Because there are no definitive standards on how much space hens should have, different farms use a variety of housing systems. Some keep their chickens in aviaries with multiple tiers or floors, but this is not always the case. Hens that produce free-range eggs must have access to fresh food and water. They must also be able to go outside whenever they want throughout their laying cycle. While farmers keep cage-free hens in similar conditions, they do not need to have access to outside space.